Personal Chef

Many people complain that eating healthy foods does not taste good. For this reason, they find adhering to better eating habits challenging. Well, problem solved! We provide Personal Chef Services for whom food shopping and meal preparation is not their idea of a good time. Our Personal Chef will menu plan, shop for food and prepare the meals.

We provide a multi-cultural wellness food journey that will entice your taste buds and promote good health. We create highly customized meal planning options that target your specific health and wellness needs. In addition to using the highest quality ingredients, ALL meals are prepared with utmost care and LOVE.

There are many benefits to hiring a Personal Chef. Some of these benefits include:

  • Affordable customized meal planning

  • Preparation of cooked meals for mind, body and spirit.

  • Introduction to a variety of cuisines both traditional and exotic.

  • Saves you valuable time and energy to pursue other interests.

-Personal Chef

Our Personal Chef Service is your answer to providing you great tasting, healthy affordable culinary masterpieces for you and your family.

(Weekly, Bi-Weekly and Monthly Packages are available)


We are happy to provide a taste of Wellness for every occasion.

-Virtual Cooking Classes

For those who are interested in learning how to prepare healthy, delicious meals, our Personal Chef provides virtual cooking classes and walks you through the process of preparing a meal for you and your family.


Wellness Tastes Good!